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E-Mail has been around since the 1970s and it is still as popular today as ever before. The first E-Mail was sent in 1971, and it is estimated that hundreds of billions of E-Mails are now being sent around the world every day.

E-Mail Marketing is the process of sending E-Mails to a group of people in order to promote one’s product or service.

As an effective way of reaching customers, many people prefer reading their E-Mail to spending time on other websites or apps.

It’s a proven tactic for communicating with customers, and it can help increase the value of your company as well as boost customer loyalty.

The average person checks his/her E-mails at least three times per day. E-mails are the best way to make contact with those clients during off-hours too!

E-mail marketing is a marketing technique that uses e-mail to create or improve customer relationships.

Grow E-mail List

The goal of any e-mail marketing campaign is to grow the e-mail list, which is a collection of e-mail addresses that have agreed to receive e-mails from your company.

Optimize Open & Bounce Rates

By tailoring each element to maximize its impact, it is possible to improve the response rate to e-mail campaigns and thereby increase sales or other desired outcomes.

Get E-mail Traffic

Create compelling content that encourages readers to open and act on your e-mails. Increase e-mail traffic by optimizing your e-mail campaigns for all devices, using personalized messages, and targeting with laser precision.

Clean E-mail List

E-mail list cleaning is the process of identifying and removing invalid or outdated e-mail addresses from a mailing list. It is an important step in ensuring that your e-mail campaign reaches its intended audience.

What is E-mail marketing?

E-mail marketing is a form of digital marketing that uses electronic mail as a means of communicating commercial messages to a target audience. E-mail marketing can be done through the use of bulk e-mail software or through the use of an e-mail service provider.

Does E-mail marketing still effective in 2020’s?

E-mail marketing is still a highly effective way to reach and engage customers. According to a study by the Direct Marketing Association, e-mail marketing yields an average return on investment of $44 for every dollar spent, making it one of the most cost-effective forms of marketing available.

What are the benefits of E-mail marketing?

E-mail marketing allows businesses to build relationships with customers over time, which can lead to increased loyalty and sales. Additionally, e-mail marketing can be an affordable way to reach a large audience.

Why do you need a professional help for EMM?

Professional e-mail marketers have the experience and knowledge to ensure that your e-mail campaigns are successful and compliant with all relevant laws and regulations. They can also help you to target your audience effectively and create e-mails that will capture your readers’ attention and encourage them to take action.

What are the types of E-mail marketing?

E-mail marketing can be broadly classified into two categories: permission-based e-mail marketing and non-permission-based e-mail marketing. Permission-based e-mail marketing involves obtaining the consent of the recipients before sending them promotional e-mails, while non-permission-based e-mail marketing does not require such consent.

Why B4Mind?

E-mail marketing is a proven method of getting new customers, increasing sales, and building your brand. But it can be very time consuming and expensive to do it right. We are passionate of e-mail marketing! We have been helping our clients to reach wider audience via e-mail every month.

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